Federal Focus, Inc.


Federal Focus, Inc. is a non-profit research and educational foundation which has two overarching goals:

  1. Work on science policy issues.

  2. Organization of conferences to advance mentoring services, with an emphasis on youth.

While Federal Focus's work on science policy issues has been an integral part of the organization's function since its founding, the foundation's promotion of mentoring services represent a new and challenging set of activities. Although such conferences on mentoring are relevant to all ages, there is a particular emphasis on youth, which continues an existing theme as exemplified by its support of the Federal Focus Jazz Band (discussed below). Whenever possible, Federal Focus taken the opportunity to promote interaction between its mentoring and sound science/science policy goals.

As noted above, Federal Focus was initially formed for the purpose of providing nonpartisan research and analysis broad policy and technical issues associated with operations of the Executive Branch of the federal government. In furtherance of these purposes, the foundation sponsors and conducts seminars, symposia, forums, and conferences, and publishes reports and analyses, on issues such as:

  • Budget and Deficit Reduction
  • Economic and Trade Policy
  • Presidential Powers
  • Privatization and Deregulation
  • Paperwork Requirements
  • Personnel Policies and Pay
  • Procurement of Materials and Services
  • Executive Branch Organization
  • Federalism and "Unfunded Mandates"
  • Regulatory Planning and Review
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Health Care Reform
  • Health, Safety, and Environmental Risk Assessment

The foundation disseminates its reports, findings, and views to the general public, legislative and executive government officials, and the media in the Washington, D.C. area, nationally, and internationally, through various publications and the Internet, in some cases.


Joint Federal

Risk Assessment

London Principles

Endocrine Effects

Other Areas



Jazz Band





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