Federal Focus Publishes Draft Executive Order on Regulation of Agricultural
Biotechnology Products
Federal Focus recently completed a draft Executive Order on regulation of
agricultural biotechnology products. The Executive Order, which has been widely
circulated, incorporates many of the comments Federal Focus has received on its
agri-biotechnology White Paper published earlier this year. The draft includes
with specific recommendations for improving transparency in agency decision
making and bolstering public confidence in the regulatory process.
We believe that the proposed
Executive Order and the symposium are both very timely, especially in light of
the Clinton Administration’s announcement of a new initiative on agri-biotech
regulation. Federal Focus would welcome comments on its draft Executive Order.
Additional Materials:
Click here to see Federal Focus testimony at the meeting on Biotechnology convened by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Nov. 30, 1999.
Persons and organizations interested in commenting on the regulatory options or in obtaining additional information about the
Federal Focus Agri-Biotech Program should do so using the Contact section of this Website.
